Friday, October 28, 2011

At-Home Enrichment: Pumpkin on the Move

We had a such a fun time today at the Barefoot Enrichment Halloween Parade. Here is the Pumpkins on the Move chant that we did in class. You can find the pumpkin template on our meetup site. Enjoy!

Pumpkin on the Move
I have a pumpkin in front of me.
I think I’ll put it on my knee.
Then I’ll hide it under my chair.
Can you see it under there?

I’ll take it out so I can put
That pretty pumpkin on my foot.
Then off my foot and in my hair.
My, it looks so nice up there.

Out to the side. Up in the air.
Is that a pumpkin way up there?
Down to the ground my pumpkin lands.
I pull it up with my two hands.

Behind my back my pumpkin goes.
Where can it be? Nobody knows.
Here it is for all to see.
It’s right back here in front of me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Notes from a Barefoot Mama: Learning to capture Stories

Mona, your Barefoot Mama here. When Jenn and I were talking a while ago, I realized that as Ava and I attend Barefoot classes, I am learning just as much as she is, but from a different perspective. We thought it may be interesting to share that perspective. I am excited to begin blogging my personal experiences with Barefoot Enrichment, as well as providing a "Mama's" view of what I am learning along with my daughter Ava.

For the last year or so, Ava, Maya, Cole (sometimes), Miss Jenn and I have been getting together to have smaller enrichment style playdates. These playdates sometimes involve a theme and either a craft or some sort of fun project. Most of the time it is an extension of a Barefoot class we have attended. We have made amazing memories and learned so much.

Today, Maya and Miss Jenn came over and we continued our Fall explorations that we had begun in Barefoot Enrichment class on Friday, and really dug into creating "stories". This was a great experience for both Ava and me.

Miss Jenn first read Maya and Ava "The leaf Man", and then had the girls create their own leaf creatures.

While the girls were creating their leaf creatures, Miss Jenn made a "bird" out of leaves and then wrote a little story about him. Maya, an old pro at this, started right in and added a bit of story telling about getting to know the bird, naming him, etc.

Ava caught on after a few minutes and her leaf creature evolved from a "birdie", to a "chimp" to "alligators and crocodiles". Then the attention turned to Maya's "duck" and Ava and Maya created this adorable little story (in three year old speak of course) about the duck who lost his mama, but found her again and found daddy, then he walked and walked and walked.

The entire time they were talking, Miss Jenn wrote their stories on the sheet of poster paper. She would reread it to them to "make sure she had it all correct" and of course the girls would add more and more and more.

It was great to watch Ava really get into creating a story with words and then realize that they were being written and repeated. Her sense of accomplishment was written all over her little face.

The Finished Product:
What I learned:
I learned to be patient and let Ava dictate the story and the pace. Sometimes, she would make up words or recite her "ABCs", but Jenn wrote them down and incorporated it into the story they were writing. I realized that sometimes I prompt Ava with ideas like "Is that a bird Ava", instead of "tell me what you are creating". It was amazing to watch her little mind work and to witness her story unfold.

I am excited to share my experiences and observations as we continue these enrichment playdates.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

At-Home Enrichment for Fall Adventure Series: Farm Life

This week, the goal of our enrichment activities is to help our children understand that they can do important work. We see this everyday when our kids want to help us cook, sweep the floor, drive a car and countless other daily tasks. Farm life is the topic of our next Fall Adventure Class. The kids will take on the role of a farmer. Our little Barefoot Farmers have a lot of very important work to do this week! Below are some farm songs and poems to get them started.

I’m a Little Piggy
Tune: I'm a Little Teapot

I’m a little piggy
Short and stout
Here are my ears
Here is my snout
When I see the
Farmer and the dell
I oink, oink, oink
And wiggle my tail 

Pigs on the Run!
(Poem or chant)

One piggy, two piggies,
Three piggies, four
Wag their tales and run out the door!
Five piggies, six piggies,
Seven piggies, eight
Hurry ‘cross the yard
And jump the gate!
Nine piggies, ten piggies
Head down the street
And go to the market
For a tasty treat!

In and Out of the Barn
Tune: The Farmer and the Dell

The (farm animal)’s out of the barn.
The (farm animal)’s out of the barn.
Heigh-ho, the derry-o,
The (farm animal)’s out of the barn.

The (farm animal) is in the barn.
The (farm animal) is in the barn.
Heigh-ho, the derry-o,
The (farm animal) is in the barn.

Enrichment Tips: Children as Storytellers

During our Fall Adventure Series last week, we explored the changes that occur in the fall. We talked about how the leaves change colors, eventually falling off of the trees and how animals begin to prepare for winter. One of the goals of our enrichment activities was to help our children understand that they are storytellers. In class, I introduced the question, "How does your story start?" I suggested that parents ask their child this question when playing, drawing or working on an art project at home. Write down anything that they say, in their own words, even if it is just one word.

I use this exercise quite often with children to help them develop language, pre-reading and writing skills. I find that I get more complex answers each time I repeat this activity with a child. Over time, children realize that their words important...important enough to actually write down and they begin to look forward to having this special type of attention from a loved one. I have a special storytelling notebook that I use with my daughter. I can barely get out a pen before she is rattling away with her story. It is really fun to look back in this notebook and see her development over time.

-The Barefoot Storyteller

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fall Leaf Art- Enrichment activity

Looking for a fun and interactive activity to do with your little one this weekend? Enjoy a nature walk and collect Fall treasures such as mini pine cones and leaves.

After your walk, take a blank sheet of cardstock weight paper and glue and let your child create their own fall story with the treasures you found on your walk.

This is a great hands-on activity that can inspire a wonderful dialogue between you and your child about the changing of the seasons. Introduce or follow up the activity by reading "Leaf Man" by Lois Ehlert for an even richer enrichment experience.

 Ava, daughter of Barefoot Mama Mona, proudly displaying her "Leaf Art"

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Great Pajama Party Songs

My kids missed the Pajama Party Story Time sponsered by Macaroni Kid and Ravens Books this morning. During the Barefoot Enrichment portion of the event we had a dance party. What pajama party is complete without dancing? So Maya, Cole and I had our usual barefoot dance party before bed. We listened to Dance Around by Ralph's World and Shake Your Sillies Out by The Wiggles. Just wanted to pass these along in case you feel like dancing with your kiddos one night as well.
-The Barefoot Storyteller