Sunday, October 9, 2011

Enrichment Tips: Children as Storytellers

During our Fall Adventure Series last week, we explored the changes that occur in the fall. We talked about how the leaves change colors, eventually falling off of the trees and how animals begin to prepare for winter. One of the goals of our enrichment activities was to help our children understand that they are storytellers. In class, I introduced the question, "How does your story start?" I suggested that parents ask their child this question when playing, drawing or working on an art project at home. Write down anything that they say, in their own words, even if it is just one word.

I use this exercise quite often with children to help them develop language, pre-reading and writing skills. I find that I get more complex answers each time I repeat this activity with a child. Over time, children realize that their words important...important enough to actually write down and they begin to look forward to having this special type of attention from a loved one. I have a special storytelling notebook that I use with my daughter. I can barely get out a pen before she is rattling away with her story. It is really fun to look back in this notebook and see her development over time.

-The Barefoot Storyteller

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