Sunday, October 9, 2011

At-Home Enrichment for Fall Adventure Series: Farm Life

This week, the goal of our enrichment activities is to help our children understand that they can do important work. We see this everyday when our kids want to help us cook, sweep the floor, drive a car and countless other daily tasks. Farm life is the topic of our next Fall Adventure Class. The kids will take on the role of a farmer. Our little Barefoot Farmers have a lot of very important work to do this week! Below are some farm songs and poems to get them started.

I’m a Little Piggy
Tune: I'm a Little Teapot

I’m a little piggy
Short and stout
Here are my ears
Here is my snout
When I see the
Farmer and the dell
I oink, oink, oink
And wiggle my tail 

Pigs on the Run!
(Poem or chant)

One piggy, two piggies,
Three piggies, four
Wag their tales and run out the door!
Five piggies, six piggies,
Seven piggies, eight
Hurry ‘cross the yard
And jump the gate!
Nine piggies, ten piggies
Head down the street
And go to the market
For a tasty treat!

In and Out of the Barn
Tune: The Farmer and the Dell

The (farm animal)’s out of the barn.
The (farm animal)’s out of the barn.
Heigh-ho, the derry-o,
The (farm animal)’s out of the barn.

The (farm animal) is in the barn.
The (farm animal) is in the barn.
Heigh-ho, the derry-o,
The (farm animal) is in the barn.

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